Data protection and IT storage experts agree that the 3-2-1 data backup rule is an industry best practice.  At its simplest, the 3-2-1 rule of backup states requires that you always maintain at least:

3 copies of data

Your production copy and at least two backups are needed to provide for optimal redundancy.

2 types of media

Different types of hardware will fail at different times and for different reasons.  To minimize the likelihood that more than one of your data copies will experience a failure, store your data backups on a combination of internal disks, external or removable drives, and in the cloud.

1 copy offsite

This further insulates your data from local threats that may affect your physical office or computing environment.

The 3-2-1 backup rule is a best practice because it ensures a copy of your data will be accessible no matter what happens. Multiple data copies, storage locations and media types ensure that there is no single point of failure in your backup strategy, keeping your data safe from a variety of threats (corruption, loss, theft, or a computer crash) and disasters such as fires and floods.

When selecting an offsite storage partner, it’s important to find a provider that specializes in data protection, and that offers real-time data synchronization, geographic redundancy, and excellent customer service for a reasonable price and with minimal hassle.  

Additionally, a great storage partner is well-established, with a long track record of technological and financial stability, and thousands of successful data restores (and happy customers) in their portfolio.

If you’re in the market for a 3-2-1 compliant data backup solution, look no further than eSilo CLOUD. Click here to start your no obligation 30-day risk-free trial, or Contact Us to speak with one of our data backup experts at (800) 747-9255.

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