Your Cybersecurity is Only as Strong as Your Weakest Link

And in most companies, your weakest links are your people.

Human Error Plays a Role in 85% of Breaches

Cybersecurity Training Can Reduce That Risk by up to 60%

Everyone in your organization is a potential target for hackers. Whether they’re a front-line worker or a back-office executive, all employees and contractors need to be trained on the basics of cybersecurity so they can help stop attacks before they happen.

Watch Our Security Videos

These are just a few examples from our extensive training library. Each video is relatively short and to the point to capture your employees’ attention and build their awareness of security, privacy, and compliance topics.

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Why Invest In Cybersecurity Training?

Smarter, Safer Employees

Employees keep security and privacy top of mind when they’re regularly exposed to short, memorable video trainings.

100% Training Completion

Meet compliance obligations and easily demonstrate to regulators that all staff has received annual security training.

Increased Client Trust

Your clients only want to work with, and refer, businesses that take data protection and cybersecurity seriously.

Protection @ Work & Home

With remote work on the rise, everyone in the household needs to know the basics of online security.

screenshot of cybersecurity training video

Training is the Key to Long-Term Success

To maximize ROI and get the most out of your cybersecurity training efforts, you need an ongoing training program. Although many industries only require cybersecurity awareness training once per year, a “one-and-done” approach is not enough to prevent employees from making dangerous mistakes with their email and computers.

Studies show the key to a successful security awareness training program is regular reinforcement of concepts over a monthly or quarterly cadence.

Hackers Don’t Hack Companies, They Hack People.