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  5. VBR Job Error: RPC server is unavailable.
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  4. VBR Job Error: RPC server is unavailable.

VBR Job Error: RPC server is unavailable.

VBR Job Error: RPC server is unavailable.

VBR Job session state error: “Task failed. Failed to exapnd object [VM name]. Error: The RPC server is unavilable. (Exception from HResult: 0x800706BA): [VM name]”

Job Error Examples:

Alarm Description

Job Error Examples



Possible Causes:

  1. There is a problem with the Admin credentials for the Veeam service account (local account or AD account). Possibly because of a changed password, expired password, or because the user lacks local admin permissions.
  2. There is an issue with the Veeam Installer Service being uninstalled or otherwise unavailable.

Steps to Confirm:

  1. Login to customer VBR via Remote Console or Teamviewer
  2. Click Backup Infrastructure
  3. Click the Hypervisor Host server
  4. Right click > Properties
  5. Click Next to navigate menus.  Stop at the Credentials screen.
  6. Click Next to authenticate to the server using stored credentials
  7. If you see this error, you have confirmed there is an issue:
    VBR Admin Credential Error
  8. Open Active Directory Users & Computers (if a domain account) or Local Users and Groups (if the account is a local user)
  9. Right-click on the Veeam user and click Properties
    1. If the user is in Active Directory, click the Account tab and ensure the following Account Options are checked:
      1. Password never expires
      2. User cannot change password – optional but recommended

        Active Directory Veeam User Properties.JPG
    2. If the user is a local account ensure the following Account Options are checked:
      1. Password never expires
      2. User cannot change password – optional, but recommended
  10. Go back to VBR
  11. Click Home
  12. Click Backup under Jobs in the left menu
  13. Right-click the Job
  14. Select Retry (to retry job from where it failed) or Start (to start from the beginning)
  15. After the step “All VMs have been queued for processing”, click one of the VMs in the job
  16. If the job completes the step “Required backup infrastructure resources have been assigned” (step 2 in the action list) the credentials should now be working.
  17. Monitor Job progress to confirm it completes successfully


An alternative method to verify:

  1. Login to customer VBR via Remote Console or Teamviewer
  2. Click Backup Infrastructure
  3. Identify the host containing the VMs which throwing the error (this VM may be showing as “Unavailable“)
  4. Right-click the host and click Rescan
  5. Wait for the rescan operation to complete.
  6. Take note of the error. If it says “Disks and volumes discovery failed Error: The password for this account has expired“.  You must disable password expiration in either AD or on the account in Local Users
    and Groups. Afterward, rerun discovery (rescan).
  7. If discovery succeeds, retry the backup job.


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