Knowledge Base

Gathering Windows Event Viewer Logs

Gathering Windows Event Viewer Logs

To assist eSilo in troubleshooting, you may be asked to gather Windows Event Viewer Logs. This article describes the steps to follow.

Gather Event Viewer Logs

  1. Open Start menu and start typing “Event Viewer
  2. Open Event Viewer
  3. On left menu, double click “Windows Logs” to expand it
  4. Click “Application
  5. On the far right panel under Actions, click “Filter Current Log
  6. In the pop-up box, under the Event Sources dropdown, select all items that begin with “Veeam
    1. Click OK
  7. Back on the right-hand Action menu, select “Save Filtered Log As” to save the file.
  8. Contact your eSilo Support technician for instructions on where to upload the file, or email it to
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