Knowledge Base

!VBR Job Error: Unable to allocate processing resources

!VBR Job Error: Unable to allocate processing resources

VM Backup Job Fails: Unable to allocate processing resources. Error: On-host proxy [Hypervisor Host] requires upgrade before it can be used.

Possible Solution:

A VM backup job can fail if a component in the Veeam environment, such as the on-host proxy, is out of date or incompatible with other components in the infrastructure.  The solution is to allows Veeam to rescan the host, which will automatically update any outdated components.

Steps to Confirm the Error:

  1. Login to (the tenant) VBR via Remote Console or remote access tool
  2. Click Home
  3. Click on Failures in the left menu
  4. Click on the Failed Job
  5. In the bottom half of the screen, click on one of the Failed VMs to view error

To Resolve the Error, Perform a Rescan of the Host:

  1. Go to Backup Infrastructure at the lower left of the screen
  2. Select the Hypervisor Host
  3.  Right click on Properties
  4. Select Rescan Host, this will scan all Veeam components for updates
  5. Once completed, close the dialog box
  6. Now, retry the backup job.  Click Home in the lower left of screen
  7. Select Backup
  8. Right click the job
  9. Select Start
  10. Monitor the job to ensure it completes
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