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How to Create a Local Backup Job Using Veeam Agent for Windows

How to Create a Local Backup Job Using Veeam Agent for Windows

This is useful when you need to comply with the 3-2-1 rule of backups:

  • 3 copies of important data (1 production copy and 2 backups)
  • 2 types of storage media (e.g. internal hard drive, external hard drive, USB flash drive, cloud copy, tape backup, CD/DVD, etc.)
  • 1 copy stored in a different physical location and on a different network (or not on any network)

Follow These Steps To:

  • Configure local backup to a dedicated eSilo Backup Server in your office.
  • Configure local backups to an existing storage device you own, such as an network attached storage (NAS) device, USB connected hard drive, or shared folder on your network.

Create a Local Backup Job

  1. Open the Veeam Windows Backup Agent
    1. Veeam Program List
  2. In the upper left corner, click the 3 lines to expand the menu.
  3. Select Add New Job.
    1. Add New Job Menu
  4. In the window that pops up, Name the job.
  5. In Backup Mode settings, select Entire Computer.
  6. In Destination settings:
    1. Select Local Storage only if backing up to a USB or other storage device directly attached to the machine.
    2. Select Shared Folder if configuring backups to an eSilo Backup Appliance.
    3. Select Backup Destination in Wizard
  7. For a Shared Folder destination, specify the fully qualified server name (or IP address), folder path, and if required, login credentials.
    1. When backing up to an eSilo Backup Server, use the IP address details in the Setup Instructions that came with your server.
    2. Shared Folder Credentials
  8. If backing up to a Network destination, in the Backup Cache step, set a maximum cache size limit of 20GB.
  9. Define the Schedule the backup should run. Uncheck the “Daily at..” box if you wish to run these manually only (not recommended).
  10. Click Apply to save the new backup job and view a summary of the details.
  11. Click Finish to exit the job setup wizard.
  12. It’s recommended to run a test backup to confirm everything is working properly. You can do this by checking the box to “Run the job when I click Finish“.
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