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Download Previous Versions of Veeam

Download Previous Versions of Veeam

If you need to download an older version of Veeam software that is not the latest release, follow the instructions below.

Problem Overview:

In certain situations, it may be necessary to download a specific version of Veeam software for testing, troubleshooting, or compatibility reasons.

Steps to Follow:

  1. Go to https://www.veeam.com/download-version.html.  Note: using this link may require you to create an account at veeam.com and request a 30 day trial license.  However, you should not need to install a license in order to perform a Veeam restore.  (Licenses would be needed if you want to perform a backup.)
  2. Go to the Previous Versions tab
  3. Scroll to the correct product name and version.
  4. Click Download.
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